First United Methodist Church of Arroyo Grande

Children's Center Promotion and Acknowledgement

June 8, 2012

Thank you!

Church Volunteers

Alice Addison
Betty and Chuck Ashton
Kathleen Ballagh
Larry and Nancy Baughman
Adeline Bottorff
Julie and Nancy Burns
Pastor David and Sarah Burgeson
Marge Cawelti
Harry Egan
Tom Egan
Fern Farmer
Jamie Foster
Victoria Gandy
Bernie and Mary Hawkins
Bill Harland
Gary Hughes
Wayne Huggins
Judy Leonard
Patti and Dick Melsheimer
Eileen Odom
BG Perriguey
Barbara Reineke
Carolyn Russell
Bob, Mary, and Susan Throndson
Virginia Mothes
Larry and Pat Weimers

Other Volunteers

Sharyn Schmidt
Buddy Beaudion
Bob Fernamburg
Robert Galloway
Peter Quaglino
Jeff Quaglino
Kassondra Quaglino
Karl Slocum
Gloria Taylor
Renee Trosh
Arroyo Grande Valley Kiwanis
Five Cities Fire Authority
CAL FIRE of San Luis Obispo County
AG UM Children’s Center Volunteers

Room 4
Hilery and Mike Dixon
Phong Gunasayan
Kristin, Frank, and Gabe Martin
Yusdivia Mosqueda
Natalia Ng
Renae Priess
Deanna Rutledge
Jen Sheller
Tamara Thompson
Angie and Neil Weller
Cynthia Valenzula
Gina Watkins

Room 3
Jennifer Alton
Kristi Blazer
Leosha Blackwell
Maile Doolittle
Candy Human
Mandy and Greg King
Margaret Kensinger-Klopfer
Philip Martinez
Stephanie Purvis
Tracy Regusci
Kelly and Josh Reynolds
Dominique Rodriguez

Room 2
Lindsey Cooper
Grace Forgey
Leah Halliday
Shauna Hayes
Aften Porras

Room 1
Natalie and Aaron Barker
Amber Griffin
Julie and Leticia Martinez
Cherisse Sweeney
Amber Wighton




Photos by Jamie Foster Photography.